
Response to Metropolises – 5 of 11: an impossible crime of alleged rape2 minutos para ler

The Press Department of the Heralds of the Gospel published on August 28, 2019, an extensive report entitled "Persecution of the Catholic Church in Brazil?", in which the fallacious statements contained in a report entitled "The secrets of Heralds: what hide the walls of castles inhabited by ultraconservative Catholic group", published on August 23, 2019 by the news portal Metropolises.

See the overall response plan here.

4. An impossible crime of alleged rape: We thank the MetropolisPortal for confirming the innocence and integrity of the Heralds of the Gospel.

During the aforementioned Vatican Visit to the Heralds of the Gospel, which began in 2017 and lasted a little over a year, all houses were covered in the various countries where they are present. Almost all residents, including even Co-workers of the Heralds of the Gospel, were interviewed, and there were meetings with former members, family members and relatives of former members of the Institutions, who were able to bear their testimonies to the Vatican visitors.

Of the visits, according to the Vatican Visitors themselves in meetings with the larger Moderators of the three Institutions (Superiors and President General), nothing was found against Morale or even against sound doctrine, that is, no case of paedophilia or something that resembled.

The Metropolis newspaper states that, over the course of a few weeks, "it has been in four capitals that remain headquarters of the Heralds", and "visited castles (sic!), interviewed former members and family members linked to devotees."

And what did you find against Morale or good customs?

A serious and false accusation made by an anonymous whistleblower!

We analyzed part of the video presented by metropolises…

According to the statement of the alleged victim, the crimes would have occurred around the year of the death of prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira (1995). Now, at that time the foundation of the Heralds had not even occurred. It is, therefore, by analogy of law, a "crime" simply impossible to happen (Penal Code, art. 17), either because of the absence of the subject or because of the inability to practice him even if he existed, because it is a legal entity.

Therefore, even if the testimony released in the video of the matter of metropolises is real – which is debatable, since it does not inform the identity of the accuser or that of the accused – the portal's attitude in attributing such a serious crime to some member of the Heralds Association of the Gospel , non-existent before the year 2000, is completely biased, slanderous and defamatory.

We can only thank the Portal Metropolises for confirming the outcome of the Vatican visit: nothing was found against Moralor even against sound doctrine, that is, no case of pedophilia or something that resembled!


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