Dr. Plinio is still waiting, after forty years, a response from Fantástico…

by Thiago Resende — In 1978, the Brazilian Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property, TFP, faced another publicity bang. The Globo Television Network had broadcast, in its program Fantástico, a report in which it accused this Society of being exacerbatedly right-wing, free of Christian charity, possessing an exaggerated combativity and bearer of grudges (read the statement of witness of the time). In response to the matter, Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira published, in catholicism magazine, an article entitled: "About a TV show: TFP to the Brazilian public", … Leia mais


What's mr. Andrea Tornielli attacking the Heralds of the Gospel? Create a schism in the Church?

On June 14, 2017, Andrea Tornielli published on the Blog Vatican Insider, la Stampa, an article against the Heralds of the Gospel. Two days later, on June 16, the Heralds responded with a manifesto that turned around the world, being published by various media outlets. In the intention of offering, in one place, the important documents that have gone public since the Heralds became the target of attacks in the media, we believe it is appropriate to record here the arguments offered at the time. by Heralds of the Gospel … Leia mais
