Jesus, or Barabbas?

  by Izilda Alves de Oliveira (*) — "Many follow Jesus until the bread, few until they drink the chalice of passion. Many worship His miracles, but few embrace the ignominy of the cross"[1] Since time immemorial, people have sought miracles, resort to prophets, cry out for manna, await God's help. It was no different in Christ's day. As they heard of the miracles He performed, of the consolations He carried, and the salvation he proclaimed, crowds began to follow Him. People were enchanted by the holiness that overflowed with … Leia mais


Mary: Mother and mirror of all saints

by Izilda Alves de Oliveira (*) — It is still a long way from our understanding to encompass what it means to be the Mother of God. The creature containing the Creator itself is a mystery that our intelligence will never explain entirely. Let us observe this great mystery through the roads of tenderness, contemplating the Blessed Virgin who, as a devoted Mother, began worshipping her Divine Son from the moment of sacred conception. We can imagine with which dedicated affection, respect and veneration She wrealed the fragile hands and … Leia mais


Jesus the Saint of the forts

by Izilda Alves de Oliveira (*) — Often, when observing images of saints, we came across candid figures, of an angelic beatitude, which make us think that they were people who were born with a special gift, received privileged protection from Heaven and lived an almost superhuman life, ecstasy and benefits, without trampling and adversity. This image, however, is misleading. Saints were fearless warriors and suffered all sorts of setbacks. They were maligned, criticized, abandoned, harassed even by their loved ones; in many circumstances were judged crazy and alienated. They … Leia mais


Rise up, soldiers of Christ!

by Izilda Alves de Oliveira — "We are born but to fight, wide battlefield battle is the Earth. This war is close and constant, is the inheritance of adam's children…" When faced with the expression "soldiers of Christ" some may feel some discomfort, and think of war, fight, death, destruction. To others, however, expression causes enthusiasm and makes them think of victory, conquest, fearlessness. But who does this ancient religious hymn, from which we use a stanza as an epigraph? Who are christ's soldiers after all? Is there a war? … Leia mais
