
SBT interviews the Heralds – 7 out of 20: "In the Heralds, my children are happy and intelligent"2 minutos para ler

The Heralds of the Gospel were sought by the SBT and, for more than an hour, answered the questions raised by trainee reporter John Silva. The interview was held in the Basilica of Our Lady of the Rosary, in Caieiras, São Paulo, and was attended by Revmo. Pe. Alex Barbosa de Brito, member of the Virgo Flos Carmeli Clerical Society of Apostolic Life, and several members of the Women's Sector of the Heralds of the Gospel, as well as families and co-workers of the Association.

Given the reporter's placement, according to which there would be "reports" of parents complaining of "difficulty communicating with their children," Fr. Alex found it funny, and invited his own parents to answer to the reporter themselves. You're going to be there. Maria do Socorro Ferreira Paiva, mother of four children who frequent the Heralds, asks for the floor, and reports the direct experience of her and her family.

Watch the answer in full:


You're going to be there. Maria do Socorro Ferreira Paiva has known the Heralds very closely for many years, and can speak with knowledge of cause. In fact, she is the mother of four children who frequent the Heralds, and even her husband participated in the Association for nine years.

Hearing the recent defamations uttered against the Heralds of the Gospel, she wonders:

"What father would th[referindo-se ao seu esposo]is be who after nine years lived here, he would have four children in the institution if he did not trust her entirely?!"

He also comments to be very happy with his children, because in addition to knowing exactly where each one is at every moment, he always sees them "happy, cheerful, happy and intelligent". He does not hide his surprise by proving, for example, that his eldest son – twenty years old – gives him advice, helping to solve certain problems.

Similarly, your sixteen-year-old daughter seeks to convey to her the wonders she learns in the institution.

It is also impressed by the determination of the 11-year-old son to study and learn difficult languages such as French and German. Even her youngest daughter – eight years old – leaves her stupefied when narrating what she learns in Project Future and Life: performing plays or playing flute, among other things.

Finally, Mrs. Maria do Socorro notes that parents are aware of what the Association provides for their children and ends up making an appeal to families:

"Let them come and meet the Heralds, because here is not a school only for their children, but a school for parents as well."


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