
Second response of the Heralds to "Vida Nueva" – 1 of 28 minutos para ler

On October 21, 2019, The Magazine Vida Nueva of Spain had published a article entitled "Heraldos del Evangelio: examen vaticano a fondo", dedicating numerous pages to the theme, and also published the article that the Heralds of the Gospel had sent in answer to the very generic questions, sent previously by the magazine.

The context of these publications was explained in a previous article, which presented the full response of the Heralds, published in two parts (see here and here).

However, given the generic nature of the questions that had been asked, the Heralds observed that it was necessary to make further clarification, dedicated specifically to the facts presented by the magazine.

Now, as early as October 25, 2019, the magazine had the unfortunate attitude of re-arddling against the Heralds with a second publication, entitled "Heraldos del Evangelio: case abierto". The press sector of the institution therefore demanded from the magazine the publication of a more full defense, as a right of reply.

This second response from the Heralds – whose content, translated into Portuguese for the readers of Heralds Vérites, will publish the continuation in two parts – was published in the following edition of vida nueva magazine, which came out on fire on November 19, 2019.

However… in the same number, Vida Nueva published a third article entitled "El Vaticano retoma ción la intervención de los Heraldos del Evangelio". There, the facts are again distorted and taken from context. The press industry will once again respond, and continue to do so while the unpresented truth to the public as it deserves. The novel, therefore, continues…

It follows, the continuation, Part I of the second article.

Response of the Heralds of the Gospel to "Nueva Life"

Vida Nueva magazine decided to return to charge on a song theme today for her, dedicating numerous pages to her. "Heralds of the Gospel: open case", is the title with which Darius Minor, trumpeting strategic and indiscreet confidants in Rome, opens his accusatory article about this Private Association of Faithful who is becoming famous, amazingly, thanks to the inclement fire of his detractors.

It is useful to remember the latest blows of intellectual fencing caught between a Spanish Catholic press body and the Heralds of the Gospel.

The first article they published on the Association was called "Heralds of the Gospel: Vatican examines thoroughly" (21/10/19). The following topics that would justify the commissioner imposed by the Congregation of Religious to the Institution were described in it. This is catilinry: parental alienation, abuses of power, practice of irregular exorcisms, ecclesiological deviations with lack of acceptance of the Pope, collection of donations without authorization from the diocesan bishop, deficiencies in the academic formation offered in his schools, intimidation of those who want to abandon the institution and fanatical worship of the founder.

The Heralds of the Gospel were consulted on the matter and its explanations were published on the same day 21/10/2019. In a simple and clear text, the accusations presented by journalist Minor were answered.

After these clarifications, the debate should have ended. But apparently, some of the journalist's privileged confidants, seeing dismantled piece by play his "daredevil" argument, lost his peace; therefore, if in fact the reasons for the commissioner were not relevant or sufficient, the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life (CIVCSVA) would not run before readers of "Vida Nueva" as awkward or Arbitrary? The answer we leave to the reader, but in any case, if non è vero, è bene trovato

In case this hypothesis is true, it would be necessary, even more, urgently, to motivate again – it would be the second attempt… – the commissariat already "decreed". In current terms, howgy to save the face. To this end, the Roman bird opened its gold beak again – which should never have done because of the secrecy of craft – in order to give a new corner against the Heralds. This time, his reasons should be more forceful, scandalous, definitive. Resort to what? Minor's machiavellian feather found in the old laxists his leitmotiv: "Cum finis est licitus, ethiam media sunt bid", that is, any method is good as long as a good purpose is achieved. Consequently, even using the defamation machine and prophesiing inquisitial convictions, such as those of the time of St. Pius V, could serve in order to justify the unjustifiable. And we are in the midst of prophetic spring: the era of mercy!…

Similarity of methods… similarity of goals?

It is not strange to note a certain similarity of style between the article written by Minor and the current anti-religious defamation campaign against the Heralds in certain countries where the institution's performance is more patent and uncomfortable for certain powers. Reporting serious accusations, without sufficient reasons and without first verifying its reasoning and credibility – also condiment the narration with morbid details – is a modern method of condemning the victim to a kind of popular damnatio honoris, even before the justice has completed his judgment. So that the adverse press proceeds to the Church is already critical, but that, to a large extent, a journalist puts it into practice in a catholic media, surprises and saddens.

The purpose of the secular press is undoubtedly to discredit the Church, its values, her faith. Let us ask: if in the present case there is similarity of methods, will there also be similarity of goals? Are we facing the ummanus attempt by Catholics, driven by a kind of suicidal schizophrenia, to self-demolish the sacred building that welcomes them with their maternal protection? The Heralds are church as much as the journalistic community of "Vida Nueva". So how to explain the use of methods worthy of aggiornato volterianism on pages that should present themselves to the public as honest and watered with holy water? Yes, in this sad game of fencing, which hurts and kills, we see one member of the Church assaulting another… And finally, the one affected is the Church itself.

All the more so since consecrated life, especially in Europe, is in a sharp decline. The ancient orders, which populated the firmament of the Wife of Christ with the glories of their saints, today suffer serious vocational crisis. It hurts to say it, but it's the truth known as such. In this context, if a Catholic publication is dedicated to destroying branches that give flower and fruit, what will become of the tree largely already resected?

By making it possible that the initiative of the attack has so far always been "Vida Nueva", allow us to refute with frankness and without half paint so recent blow. First, we respond to accusations that focus on two major thematic groups: the alleged abuses against minors and the devotion professed by members to the founder.

"Whoever declares the truth manifests justice; the lying witness sustains falsehood" (Proverbs 12:17)

Regarding the charges of alleged abuses of minors, the Institution, out of respect for the judicial secrecy and moral integrity of the people involved, should be cautious. In any case, it is reaffirmed that "with God's favor, there is no sexual abuse." Without embargo, certain generic observations are intended:

  1. Some complaints mentioned by the magazine were investigated by the judicial authorities, with the full and transparent cooperation of the alleged implicated, and were considered naughty or even false. In one of them, the whistleblower became a defendant/defendant fact of defamation and slander. The ecclesiastical authorities have been regularly warned.
  2. Two other complaints are under criminal court judgment. The accusers were indicted before the court and their proceedings are already governed by legal means. This will also be given to the competent ecclesiastical authorities in time.
  3. It should be noted that there have been quite general characteristics of the accusatory pieces the internal contradiction of the report itself or between the various statements to press agencies by the accusers, as well as the contradiction of the data presented in the complaints regarding the facts that emerge from documents duly and prudently stored on file by the Institution. In time, public opinion will be informed. For now, not even the right to good fame – less maligned by the violation of the professional secrecy of the Roman informant of Minor – allows us to offer more details, which would all speak in our favor. The Heralds like to be always serious.
  4. Finally, it must be borne in mind that the restricted wave of complaints was not spontaneous as perhaps intended to present itself. There is already enough evidence indicating the existence of an organized delitive group with the intention of destroying the work of the Heralds. This group recruits members on social media, even offers money and adapts or modifies the reports sent by the alleged victims. According to several testimonies, this group, whose radius of action is mainly Brazil and other countries in the Americas, could be coordinated as puppet by a mysterious hand located in caput mundi. It will be the duty of the Heralds to present in tempore opportuno the results of these investigations that are being carried out with professional rigor, so that the truth frees us.

(continue reading Part II)


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