
Fantastic tramples the Heralds: presentation of Pe. Alex2 minutos para ler

On October 26, 2019, Mr. Walace Lara, a reporter for Rede Globo, went to a headquarters of the Heralds of the Gospel in Caieiras to interview the religious institution in the context of a program to be presented by him in Fantástico.

However, once on the scene, the reporter refused to listen to members of the Heralds who were there, eager to restore the truth that had been distorted by the broadcaster in previous program. Outraged by the attitude of the report, the families who were present expelled the reporter and his staff from the venue, to the cries of "racism" and "religious discrimination".

In the video we share the sequel, Fr. Alex casts the facts, and gives the plaintiffs the floor.

See also:


After the denial of interview of the Fantastic program to the Heralds of the Gospel, members, former members and family members of the Heralds of the Gospel gathered in the Basilica of Our Lady of the Rosary to leave the testimony that Rede Globo did not want to hear. The Ep. Alex Barbosa de Brito wanted to consign his testimony about the negotiations with the Fantastic program.

On Friday (25), the Fantástico program sent a new request for an interview to the Gospel Heralds press sector. In response, it was said that this would be granted as long as they sent the questions and next to the charges if it presented our part to the public, because we cannot allow the facts to be presented in a partial and incomplete manner, as occurred in the case "School Base." However, although the program refused to do so, the interview was accepted.

However, when Mr. Wallace Lara entered the Basilica Of Our Lady of the Rosary, received with the usual courtesy of the Heralds, refused to interview the members of the women's sector eager to present their version of the facts conveyed by "Fantastic" the previous Sunday (20). Among others were Afro-descendant sisters – to testify that they were never victims of racism in the Institution – the sister who appears on video of blessing of healing and liberation shown by "Fantastic" – whose image has been denigrated – in addition to the sister of a accused of alleged sexual abuse.

In the meantime, Mr. Wallace Lara refused to hear them showing religious, racial and gender discrimination not willing to listen to women. He claimed he'd only come and listen to Fr. Alex. The Heralds cannot allow discrimination of such kind. Women have the right to speak, they are as members of the Heralds as the priest and, as such, can answer by the Institution.


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