
SBT interviews the Heralds – 14 of 20: Would there be a preparation for the end of the Times in the Heralds of the Gospel?Nem um minuto para ler

The Heralds of the Gospel were sought by the SBT and, for more than an hour, answered the questions raised by trainee reporter John Silva. The interview was held in the Basilica of Our Lady of the Rosary, in Caieiras, São Paulo, and was attended by Revmo. Pe. Alex Barbosa de Brito, member of the Virgo Flos Carmeli Clerical Society of Apostolic Life, and several members of the Women's Sector of the Heralds of the Gospel, as well as families and co-workers of the Association.

"This young man, who spoke of the shooting, [esse curso de tiro]cites that it would be a form of preparation for the end times," said the SBT reporter.

Watch the answer in full:


The Ep. Alex Barbosa de Brito replied this as a "reverie", and explained that, in fact, it is in the Sacred Scriptures that will come the end of time, but when our Lord Jesus Christ himself was interrogated from when that day would be, he stated that even the Son of Man did not know it , though he was God. What Our Lord counseled was, "Watch and pray," not "Practice shot."

And he concluded:

"To say that preparing for the end of the world practicing shooting, then you need to do a psychiatric treatment, it seems to me."


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