
Consecrated persons and former members sign Repudiation Note to Globo2 minutos para ler

On October 29, 2019, a Note of Repudiation was delivered at Rede Globo's headquarters, promoted by the women's sector of the Heralds of the Gospel, to the wave of slander and defamations from which this television chose, unscrupulously and unethically, to become the broadcaster.

This Note was signed by more than 600 women, members or former members of the Heralds, who considered to have been discriminated against, humiliating and persecuted by Rede Globo.

The following is the contents of the text of the Repudiation Note (source: https://www.arautos.org/secoes/arautos/arautos-do-evangelho-consagradas-e-ex-membros-assinam-nota-de-repudio-a-globo-275242).

Heralds of the Gospel: consecrated and former members sign a note of repudiation of the Globe

Addressed to Grupo Globo, as a result of a series of slanderous reports published in the program 'Fantástico', in television news of Rede Globo, and on CBN radio

We, members of the female branch of the Heralds of the Gospel, religious of the Society of Apostolic Life Regina Virginum, accompanied by former members of both institutions, have come to the public to express our indignation and vehement repudiation of the infamous campaign of slander and defamations disseminated by certain media outlets, especially rede Globo de televisão, through the program Fantástico, and CBN Radio.

The prejudice to Catholicism on the part of Grupo Globo is the general knowledge of all, but now the novelty is that it turns directly against us women, destroying our reputation and judging us inept victims of a regime of oppression and abuse that exists only in the people devoid of credibility who invented these slander and lies.

Some of us, who were willing to challenge the range of accusations – ranging from racism to infamous abuses against chastity – were publicly ignored by the Globo Group reporter, who expressed contempt for them, and with that offended us while women, not giving us the opportunity to present the reality we live and witness.

With this attitude, Grupo Globo disrespects us as members of the Catholic Church, conveying to the public the idea that we hide injustices and accept situations contrary to Catholic morals and faith.

The disclosure of unfounded complaints, distorted facts, lies and slander swings in the most vile way not only the reputation and honor of Monsignor John Scognamiglio Clá Dias, EP, and institutions founded by him, but also ours, as witnesses of his cleared moral integrity and chastity. In intending to attack the reputation of Monsignor João, Grupo Globo, by table, deals damage to our honor and image, and we will oppose it with all our forces, asserting our rights, including through relevant lawsuits.

614 women, members or former members of the Heralds of the Gospel sign


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