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Monsignor John: Our Lady calls the Indians a great future3 minutos para ler

In homilies spoken on December 12, 2005, December 12, 2008 and December 12, 2009, the founder of the Heralds of the Gospel, Monsignor John Scognamiglio Clá Dias, EP, deals with the affection shown by Our Lady by the Indians of the Americas, when appearing under the invocation of the Virgin of Guadalupe, and in calling them a great future.

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Following are the very words of Monsignor John Claudia:

In 1531, Mexico[no], the Sp[1]anish missionaries were there through Mexico and they had to learn the native language, the language of the indigenous; they learned the language and began to convert these and those. And among those they converted was a little indiozinho named Diego. Diogo in Portuguese, Diego in Spanish.

This Indian, Juan Diego was a very pious little indiozinho, very right, very nice and he was on a mountain called Tepeyac… He was passing through this mountain —is near Mexico City—suddenly Our Lady appears to him. And he is dazzled by Our Lady and takes it naturally, because he was already introduced into religion, knew perfectly well what an apparition was, and saw that it was Our Lady himself.

* * *

He is delighted to[2] see Our Lady in that light dress and treating Our Lady intimately, and She telling him, "My little little boy of all the brothers," and he treating Her as a daughter, an impressive role reversal, because She lets herself treat herself as daughter and he treating Her like the little child of all her daughters. And she, within this colossal intimacy, wanted to aim for the twentieth century, and especially the 21st century, in her relationship with those who would come. And she then wanted to have a whole whole affectionate relationship, all of him maternal, all made of softness, sweetness and intimacy. The intimacy she has with this Indian is quite the prefigure of the intimacy she will have with those who will come in the Kingdom of Mary.

"The expected time has been completed": and It appears in the sixteenth century… because everything with Her is done mysteriously… and It appears at the conjunction of the three continents: the North American continent, the central American continent and the American continent of the south. She appears in Mexico and as if involving with her mantle the entire American continent.

It was the American continent that was born into the Catholic Faith. And having been born the continent to the Catholic Faith, it was necessary that Our Lady would unfold her mantle to fall roses on this continent and to make the inhabitants of this continent familiarwith the figure of her. And therefore, the expected time had been completed, and so She began an all-special relationship with this continent.

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Our Lady of Guadalupe appears to an Indian; and[3] the fact that she chose an Indian to appear shows that She did not despise the origins of this America, America that is born by the colonization of European missionaries and that this mission focuses on Indians. These Indians have not yet given their total fruit in history.

And we, turning to Our Lady of Guadalupe, ask Her to use these Indians not only to spread her devotion, but to use these Indians that She wanted to assume as children, which she wanted to assume as devotees of her, that She take these who descend from these Indians and make them some bulwarks of heroes and great achievements and great achievements for the Kingdom of her!

[1]Homily excerpt of December 12, 2005.
[2]Homily excerpt of December 12, 2009.
[3]Homily excerpt of December 12, 2008.


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