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Homily: The Great Privilege of the Serpent's Enemy2 minutos para ler

The Heralds of the Gospel seek to bring the Good News of the Gospel everywhere. There where they are invited to act, in coordination with the pastoral guidelines of each diocese, the Herald priests seek to bring words of joy, trust and support to Catholics and to all men and women of good will. In order to take this message even further, the "Word for Our Day" programme seeks to offer a synthetic view of the essential points of the liturgy of each Sunday.

In the video we offered below, excerpts from some of the homilies delivered on Sunday, December 8, 2019 were compiled:

  • Pe. Andrey Almeida Durães – Headquarters of the Heralds, in Recife (PE)
  • Pe. Aumir Scomparin – Chapel Nossa Senhora do Carmo, in Caieiras (SP)
  • Pe. Inácio de Araújo Almeida – Chapel Of Our Lady of Perpetual Help, in Caieiras (SP)
  • Pe. Maurício Sucena – Headquarters of the Heralds, in Cuiabá (MT)
  • Pe. Mauro Sérgio Izabel – Basilica Of Our Lady of the Rosary of Fatima, in Cotia (SP)
  • Pe. Max Adriano Ribeiro – Headquarters of the Heralds, in Campo Grande (MS)
  • Pe. Paulo Sérgio Martins – Headquarters of the Heralds, in Curitiba (PR)
  • Pe. Pedro Henrique Braga – Basilica Of Our Lady of the Rosary of Fatima, in Cotia (SP)



The Immaculate Conception is the Trophy of God. The main privilege of Our Lady is Divine Motherhood; however, what causes hatred of the devil the most is the Immaculate Conception. The Immaculate Conception is the affirmation of God's Victory: in a creature, God has entirely overcome the devil. The glory of God is already complete with Our Lady!

This privilege Marial is transmitted to the race of the Virgin, which by analogy is also immaculate, as indicated by the second reading. And this is the characteristic that most causes hatred of the devil: the Immaculate Conception of Our Lady reflected in her children. Therefore, we can all participate in this privilege of Mary Most Holy, and this is what she invites us to do.

As? Distinguishing always between good and evil, truth and error, beautiful and ugly. In a word, loving virtue and boring sin. The condition for the Virgin Race to be immaculate is that there is no friendship between her and the Serpent Race in obedience to the word of God manifested by the first reading.

There are a thousand ways to "befriend the Serpent" in everyday life. One of the most frequent is making concessions to human respect for fear of showing an enemy of the serpent. Now, even if I am not holy, I must love holiness. Even if I'm not righteous, I must love integrity. Even though I am not pure as the Virgin of virgins, I must love and admire purity.

This love and this admiration will transform me, for the mercy of this immaculate one, but it is our Mother!


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